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Even cooler would be if it was like a power ranger / mecha you could drive. I'm partially trying to get some lols but also why not? Imagine you're inside the heart of the thing and gaining a defensive bonus from it while implementing the enhanced sk…
It's 2023, I have seen some nice updates and things coming soon. I hope to see Barrier Spikes, Summon Golem and Tower Cylinders get their revamp soon for starters.
I did notice this as well, I didn't know it was only elves. To be honest this has really become an eyesore when one is trying out different faces/skin tones, eye colors, hair color, etc, or even just gear. Depending on where your character is facin…
Welcome! Assuming you are also a fan of Final Fantasy, its nice seeing a player from FF Online come to Mabi. The graphics here are nowhere near on the level of Final Fantasy but I hope you find Mabi's unique game style fun and worthwhile as many of…
I might be incorrect but I feel like this is like ignoring a problem that shouldn't be difficult to fix. I always felt like archers were the most punished class as of Gunners, and then later Ninjas, and then later Chain Slash all of which seemingly …
Well for those who don't reply after reading only 2 lines, thanks for taking the time to do so. I will be re-reading and editing once in a while to see if I missed something to make things more clear.
I have only ever done very minor coding, so I can only imagine that it wouldn't be something that would take a skilled coder more than 4 Days tops. Even in the worse case where the code was extremely long and badly written.
I like the idea that each race has race-unique abilities, as well as race-exclusive transformations. I hope they dont change that. Allowing elves/giants to become paladin and DK wouldnt be fair in this case , maybe a fusion of DK+Paladin would be co…
I should have added I am looking for this to be a basic part of the game in the gestures so my suggestion is please add hugging for free for all, thanks
I didn't want to have to elaborate further, but...... I posted this after years of not doing so, but I realized this when they added the "Master of Trades" update that there was a point where it was nice being able to switch out weapon equipment slo…
Stormbeast wrote: »
Just wanted to point a few things out. NOTE: I don't disagree that potion making is tedious.
1) Summoning pets to heal actually is a free option. part of the dungeon guide gives a nimbus pet just for clearing Alby Normal, an…
Iyasenu wrote: »
Mana Crystallization bites.
It's weaker than magic, slower than magic, and it can't even benefit from crits. You can't even speed it up with Vivace and it barely works with Spellwalk (only lets you move with Mana Cryst loaded if…
Thank you all for your feedback. I apologize for the late reply. Amaraz I do enjoy the Alchemy skills a lot, its one of my main talents, I just felt that the Summon Golem skill has become obsolete, I have seen no one use it, and its uses have become…
WallSeries wrote: »
g24 max roll reforge fully es erg 50 step7 double ele ego weapons solve everything, yikes...
hailstorm takes too long to cast??? no problem
puppet cant tank, die too fast?? no problem
knuckle long animation and cd??? no prob…
Mana Shield could use an uncap, I guess it doesn't really feel obsolete so I removed it. Regarding Hot Air Balloon, the problem I have is not the incentive, but that it has potential for more and it .
With Rafting, one used to be able to gain Explo…