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Absolutely dropping Darkfire16 for something more in-line with my discord/other game names. I tend to keep a consistent track of using the same name for everything.
Oh boy, the usual gachapon with items that will be highly sought after and have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting a high-tier item. Also more wings. We totally need more wings.
Wait, what is that first thing about support…
They had to take out the only non-AFK function of this event, now it's just login simulator. The rewards are crap as well, the only saving grace is maybe
you will get a reforge, or some red/blue stones, or for filling out the entire board (which is…
Charging Strike:
Don't use your other chains. When you get a kill, your chain resets, so you can hit ESC and cancel the current chain you have going and keep spamming Charging Strike.
What you might need however is to have defense and countera…
Spy wrote: »
Darkfire16 wrote: »
Giants can now dual-wield
lol, they always could
They can only dual-wield blunts and axes. Now it can be done with swords and stuff too I think.