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Helsa wrote: »
While role players are one type of gamer it is somewhat a rare one. There are role-play based guilds. It would be best to find one of those, since the reason for the guild is to roll play that automatically vets for the right kind…
I began to play Mabi because i wanted a different game. I had played Elsword for years, but i just.. Wanted something more, like i could live in my own anime like life, where im the main character of a story. At that point in time i didnt really hav…
mikemiller wrote: »
So ive been wanting to sell my eternal twilight robes for awhile now, since i figure they may be worth something as an event item that some people may not have gotten. i dont know the price i'm going to sell it at so i'm willin…
HiroHiro wrote: »
before it too late, you should quickly move to alexina server as there's way more active players and lot easier to have fun in mabi.
thanks, i may have to check it out for myself when i make a new character but for now i will …