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Greta wrote: »
Hey hey guys.
What is my reputation? Can I join?
Oh wait, nevermind. I'm in Alexina.
I think we keep having same guilds winning too. But I think they are legit since these guilds are active and most of players are try hards a.k.a…
Gaea wrote: »
Yeah something isn't right, week after week it's the same two guilds. Every, single, week. I once tried to join that dunbarton guild, but they wouldn't approve my application. I eventually found out it was because certain people knew…
Kensamaofmari wrote: »
Well a part time job is not a salary. And kids who do part time jobs to get gaming money probably are headed towards the wrong path, unless they aim to be a pro gamer or try to get an E Sports scholarship.
You mean 90% of…
SyrusMarufuji wrote: »
Off topic but you have the same name as me!
Also you can technically force people to lower prices but its unrealistic with things like gacha items unless a whale really invests deeply into it AND is kind enough to sell th…
People are a lot more willing to part with male clothing vs female clothing. Most of the gacha whales are shopping for female items or gear enhancing items like enchants.
It's just the game economy you can't force people to lower prices.
Feel asleep once in a friend's hs. They thought it was pretty funny that my character was 'sleep talking' (occasionally speaking gibberish) and walking around.
I don't know what thread you've been in, but only like 3-4 of the people here have said they are against botting. The rest have been saying that botting shouldn't be punished, and they've been listing reasons why they think it's justified.
Using …
Like I said, none of this is a reason to justify botting. What you're doing is like trying to justify cheating on a test because a class is too hard.
At what point does a class become hard enough that cheating is actually justified? My answer wou…
There will never be a permanent fix to botting. All I'm saying is Nexon should discourage it by punishing botters.
The thought that clamping down on skill-training botters would encourage people to hack is a bit irrational. People are not going …
The reason I brought that up was to show that grindy does not = bad. And you can't blame Mabinogi's diminishing playerbase on grindy skill training when the game has consistently gotten easier.
Nexon can make botting less relevant by clamping dow…
That usually depends on who still LIKES the game after all of that training ^_^
Instead of vehemently hating the living cupcake out of mabinogi and yet still logging in every day for the sake of addiction. That's usually the point xD
Most people w…
I said this earlier in the thread, but in terms of fair play botting and hacking are exactly the same. Whether you collected gold from gold-farming bots or generated it with a hack, you obtained something through illicit means. Hacking is worse i…