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Last Active
August 8, 1996
Personal Quote
If you ever need the strength to overcome an obstacle, look back at all the people who have believed in you and remember why you earned their hope in the first place
About Me
If you need me for any reason, my Ign is Seikochan on Tarlach server o uo
AgentJean wrote: »
That screenshot was taken 5 minutes before I posted it, so not exactly an off time.
It's still pretty early for the majority of players
I think it's after like 5 hours of being alive that monsters have a chance to turn ancient, and it's just a chance so its probably coincidental that 4 of them turned ancient, and if it was a lowly populated channel, or at night time, I wouldn't doub…
Added Dyes (Hex #3DDAEE/33CBD9) and Casual Date Sneakers to buying list. Sold Wafflecone, Coco Mini-dress, Samba Festival, and Patissiere Outfit.
I'm also looking for an Afternoon Tea Dress, I haven't found a seller yet. If you have one or know a…
Bought Pihne Wig + Santa's Helper Shoes. Sold Plushie Deer Tail, Summer Vac (F), Sheer Sailor, Chillin' Urban outfit (shoes are still available), and Bunny Parka (F). Still looking for a Snow Bunny Nordic Beanie (F), please note me if you're willing…
Liyeta wrote: »
Demonic cylinder repair price is ridiculous and its not even good.
Alchemy mastery still broken
Summon golem ai still broken
Barrier spike hp didn't scale to the new content.
Etc etc
Lots of talents need a little r…
Arjune wrote: »
Darkpixie99 wrote: »
The skills just finished testing and released in KR, we're probably waiting on NA to finish bug tests for localization issues.
There is a
Krukia wrote: »
There's no mabiland event
Wait, I'm not trying to be rude so I'm sorry if it comes off that way, but why would anyone be expecting a mabiland event when we already have festia which is a bigger, permanent version of the same ev…
Chojinzoku wrote: »
I am Chozo, the one and only, and I approve this message. Make it so, Nexon.
Omg you even talk like that on the forums ; u; Anyways, I approve! I need to be shorterrr
Not that anyone probably cares, but my favorite is probably music as well, I just always found the composing system to be extremely unique compared to other games, most of which don't even have a music/instrument playing feature. The same could be s…
I was evicted from my house in Dugald because the lease expired and there is nothing available right now(not until Monday anyways)
What's really messed up is over in Sen Mag there are 256 vacant houses but NOTHING for auction. Only 7 houses are occu…
It's always bothered me that music is considered a Combat Talent considering there's only one attack in the entire talent tree. I mean battlefield overture isn't an attack, just a buff, and it can be used purely for support. I truly feel like musi…
@Carlize Like I said above I thought about including Hillwen/Shyllien crafting although they're not really talents, just skills. I do agree though, and I wouldn't mind if we saw an expansion to those skills in the future, even if it were a talent tr…
I agree with all the cooking comments While I may be new to it, I do have the max rank as of now. I never understood why people liked it, but once I finally bothered I can see why it's interesting for most people.
I also agree that we desperately…
@AgentJean That's something I considered adding but I'm always worried someone is going to come up to me and argue that something I included shouldn't be in a "Life Talent" poll o uo
I'm glad you think outside the box though, and I totally get what…
@AlisiaAnnieSparkle I love this idea, especially considering if I were to use another hair coupon I'd lose my dowra hair until I found a seller, which doesn't necessarily make nexon any money until beauty coupons go on sale again. This is especially…
If it just started recently, I would assume the same as Ktty. I use a program called 'Borderless Gaming' because recently my game refused to full-screen in the correct resolution and now no resolution option fits my screen correctly. I also tried se…