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I was expecting Int and Adv Veteran passes.
The best thing we got out of like 7 runs was a potent fine powder.
I don't expect to get the r7 stones every other run, but to not get anything, this is just a waste of time.
I submitted a ticket for this issue as well.
I had saint guardian's sword appearance scrolls on my Pilgrim Swords, they are not effective as weapons and you can only punch with them equipped.
I learned my lesson. I shall spectate this gachapon and not participate.
I am not convinced that nexon has any desire to have their gach's payout at any reasonable rate.
Although I am curious how much the 5 enchantable wings and their respecti…
I auctioned off an item I wanted to sell for 7m, but no one bid on it.
I then put minimum bid to 5m, and buyout to 10m.
2 days later of keeping this trend, it hit the buyout of 10m.
5m was the LOWEST I'd ever go for it, and It would be sill…
@taboishi IDK who you are but you were able to interpret my original post perfectly. Thank you for summating my post, and putting so much effort into explaining the situation with the patience and eloquence that I could not muster with the anger tha…
Gaea wrote: »
Again, I guess I will say this differently; we're not giving Nexon too much leeway. We just have respect for our GM's who are trying to improve the way things are for US. You might not believe it and think we're all just a bunch of b…
Fluorette wrote: »
A nice stroll through town would do wonders to your mood, rather than taking it out on your fellow players.
On another note,
Iyasenu wrote: »
If anything about these gachas ever changed, it'd be through Nexon's own …
Man, that's just sad.
A whole lot of Masochists and Nexondrones on this forum.
How can you defend this? lol.
@gaea I'll just support a game you enjoy FOR you. You're welcome.
Greta wrote: »
Just gonna say two words...
...Gambling addiction.
Try again, it's called disposable income.
Imagine if you had some if you worked for a living and then a company just gives you next to nothing for it lol.
Gaea wrote: »
That's extreme, no one needs to be fired. You suck for saying something like that so blatantly.
Also you're probably trying to earn gold wrong or are just too lazy. If you don't like the gacha then don't buy it. A lot of us are ac…
I love spending 60 bucks for a culinary artist 2nd title x2.
Literally nothing of the new items out of 45 boxes.
That's the last straw, the last time I'm letting you take my money for literally nothing.
Dungeons again, because 1 radiant string since october is just ridiculous.
We definitely need some UI cleanup and font changes.
I wonder what else they consider for optimization.
While I don't think they would touch displacement lag, I would like it fixed.
Blissfulkill wrote: »
Aggro management. No need for stun shields if you are not the one being targeted.
Despite having Divine Link on more than half the time I'm fighting, I get aggro'd and targeted directly quite often.
Froglord wrote: »
Odinwolfe wrote: »
How about making them less rare?
More people get em, the value drops, and participation is rewarded instead of rewarded once in a blue moon.
Someone I know used 12 alts fishing constantly and only got O…