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heh this was suspected for a long time and this is probably just tip of an iceberg of BS that Nexon does behind the scenes to squeeze out every dollar that's why I prefer the subscription model for MMORPGs you get a much better game design that way …
At this point we might newer get Mabinogi 2 on PC as whole eastern market which is priority for Nexon shifted to mobile gaming if upcoming Mabinogi mobile turns out to be better cash maker (*very high chances for that) they will stick with it and s…
Iyasenu wrote: »
Make sure your homestead house is actually a house.
A Tent and Igloo cannot be leased.
After you have a homestead house, click on it and choose to Enter it.
It will ask you to lease the house for 500,000 gold for 30 days.
Hardmuscle wrote: »
Whether or not these things are true... how do they affect your game play? It's not as though you're being forced to begin as Chain Slasher, and until you're a total level of 1000 you can rebirth (change your talent) every sin…