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the other fights where just a matter of paying attention to the msg the game shows since they are showcasing the new trans, i like the design but why the lack of legs Nexon give us an eidos to get my legs back!!!!!! XD
I already said this on my post on the help section but i want to share it. In my case I used Ninja , to kunai storm the copies hide to loose the doppel enought time to hit al the orbs and then debuffed him whit bone dragon, martial arts and smoke bo…
im a total lv 4454 and i beated the doppel whit shuriken smash XD (o yes remember to kill first the dopels or you will be having a hard time XD!!) the g21 is ok, people just got acostumed to power trought most enemies and forgot that the first gener…
FOXAssassin wrote: »
Ninzerker wrote: »
>Lack of preparation
3 balloons
33 soul stones
6 guardian stones
2 adv feathers
>Just take a day or two to better plan/train more
Translation: You didn't hydra spam? What s it rE…
And i still Can´t find how to free the knights. It´s like the silvan dragon mission all over again XD like how i was supossed to know i need to use the old regular def skill i failed that one many times becouse of that! XD
umm it´s weird people keep saying it´s hard but so far looks standar for me on on lv 4514 and the only place im stuck it´s at freeing the knight i don´t know what im forgeting. but the previos fights where not hard i only used 2 guardian stones a fe…
In Game Name: Anakym (A name that means Giant that traded the I for Y to show sense of Self-Awareness)
Basic Desc: A stranded daughter from another world and a giant in both. A Nomadic child always moving but never forgeting to return home. A wise …