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Prinni wrote: »
Oh! Also this is late, but Happy Easter/Spring Break/Golden Week to all who celebrate! I hope you all get/got a really good rest! Also please don't forget to take good care of yourselves! ^^ Since many tend to catch colds during sp…
If any interest you. Some of these characters are really old, but I've had some good memories with each one.
Dyes wrote: »
Zjura wrote: »
If any interest you
Omg! Thanks a bunch! Hope you have a merry christmas! I might pick up a few commissions in the f…
Ricard wrote: »
Irregardless, I don't believe the devs look at suggestions on the Fan Creation section. You probably posted here by mistake, but all suggestions go on the Suggestions and Feedback page.
Holy crud! I was wondering why this name sounded familiar! I think I saw you during the nightmare event. You've got a really cool looking character.
I may also be interested in a commission if slots open.
Hi. I'm interested in taking out a commission
Ign: Larmes (Alexina)
Reference: I prefer discord since I don't have any other way to post references QwQ
Payment method: Paypal
Payment offer: ¿Uhhhh?