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Калашников wrote: »
Site says 1-per account: http://mabinogi.nexon.net/News/All/1/00Iw4/essential-erinn-pack
I assume it won't let you even buy it and give message stating you have one already.
Ugh sucks. Should be 1 per server per customer.
I agree. AP potions would be cool. But I think it would take away from peope trying to RB so much lol. It may give too much of an advantage to PTW.. which this game is still very much so PTW.
Yeah, Dunby is the main, they raised the limit there by a crap ton especially for VIP users, & belvast sometimes has things..
Auction House is the other alternative and where a good chunk of things especially fashion end up at.
Greta wrote: »
Generation 8, along with Generations 7 and 17, do not have their own quest tab.
Check all your quests and make sure if you have it.
I've checked, I've even ran to Krug to talk to him.. Still nothing.. :c
Honestly I'm happy it happened. I'm originally Alexina. I've been with Alexina since it was created. A little upset Alexina was left out... But I understand..
Nao has a better economy. I believe bots messed up the Alexina one.
So far Nao seems to …
Tolna wrote: »
Only the standard Fire Wand will get chain casting, the Pheonix Fire Wand gets a reduction in mp cost and cast time if I remember right, which is really bad compared too the standard fire wand.
This is the same for all wand egos.…