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Sorry, solved it, myself.
There's a warp portal near Berg Mesa in Avalon that takes you straight to The Sanctum. If you haven't activated the portal, you may have to tame a Unicorn to get over there, if I'm not mistaken.
Also, it's frustrating tha…
stomei97 wrote: »
It is trying to update, gets a Java error, freaks out, and then updates Core App forever. I've tried updating Java, I've restarted my computer twice, reinstalled the launcher three times. I don't know what to do, and I'm getting …
You know, I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned this, but the mobs around the entrance of Bangor can drop a Formor Command Scroll with the Giant Vampire Bat. In fact, if it's a field boss that has a prompt on the screen, most likely you can farm for it…