Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Last Active
December 17, 1900
Personal Quote
Blessed Wind, Reinforce
About Me
Reinforce @ Nao | REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
  • anyone here from 2008?

    So many time travelers in this thread.
  • Favorite thing to do ingame?

    I don't have a favorite thing anymore. It used to be playing music for people, but no one listens so it is pointless. I'm rusty now anyways.
    All I ever do now is events and AH. Finally making that money after being poor for 11 years.
    Liberate wrote: »
    Dungeon crawling, especially with friends.

    Why you no dungeon crawl with Sai?
    Radiant Dawn
  • About those Spirit trans liqueur

    Thank goodness I sold mine while it still had value.
  • Windows 7 'End of Life' cycle

    My 2nd desktop doesn't even support Windows 10. It gets outright rejected due to being so old.
    KensamaofmariRadiant Dawn

    You just need to run Nowhere to Run with a bag doll collecting for you. You'll have gems in no time. Sure, they won't be 10cm, but come on! They still drop like candy.
    Holyspellz wrote: »
    Man im new here but all i ever see is folks crying they want things spoon fed. Ever think maybe they want you to grind for something? Everyone is QQ vet as it is so lets make it rain new gems so all the spoiled players push it to dead content a month within release. Idk what gaming world everyone comes from but the game on easy street isnt fun. I love vets, i like a grind. You just want max stuff for free so you can afk in dunbarton with your kax ego. Its so silly. The gem argument will ruin metallurgy vet dungeon and any other method to obtain cuz it wont be "worth" it cuz u can just afk for better rewards
    May as well ask nexon to just make your ego max lvl day one. But youll cry then theres no challenge. I hope they dont do an event
    Heck i hope we dont get the mining area. Stop being lazy and actually work for something.
    Even leveling is easy im 10k been in this game for 3 weeks. If you cant be bothered to farm gems you shouldnt get a high lvl spirit weapon. Simple.

    This person does have a point. We are getting spoiled. Everything is rushed. :(