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  • Runestone crafting

    I've been musing all day over a way to utilize a chain blade mechanic only spoken of in the Eiren storyline- the use of Runestones. Initially, it began as a way to more thoroughly utilize the dorcha crystals, but it has the potential to be turned into a viable gaming mechanic. I'll flesh out the concept further if I receive positive feedback on this idea.
    Runestones are a way to attune a weapon to a certain resonant energy. By affixing a Runestone to a weapon, it gains subtle, but significant bonuses. There are 6 types of Runestones, made from one of the six Dorcha Crystals found throughout Erinn. Where the crystal was formed plays a role in the energy it resonates with:

    First: Stalwart runestone- Earth, Physical, Protective
    Second: Fiery runestone- Fire, Power, Area-of-effect
    Third: Stormy runestone- Lightning, Speed, Stunning
    Fourth: Mana runestone- Healing, Magical, Protective
    Fifth: Runestone of Light- Balance, Transformation, Cleansing
    Sixth: Polar runestone- Ice, Multi-hit, Slowing

    To show an example of how these Runestones resonate with a weapon, here is the basic effects applied to a Chain Blade for each type of Runestone:

    Stalwart: Reduces or negates the dexterity penalty for using Heavy Armor, based on Chain Mastery rank; Increases damage dealt by Raging Spike
    Mana: Cuts the HP consumed by Dorcha Conversion in half; Increases damage dealt by Chain Crush
    Light: Negates Judgment Blade penalty for using a Chain Blade; allows you to consume a Shadow Spirit to regain 10 Dorcha during Awakening of Light; Increases damage dealt by Bachram Explosion
    Fiery: Weapon gains 4 levels of Fire, attacks have a chance to deal DoT based on Chain Mastery rank; Increases damage dealt by Chain Sweep
    Stormy: Weapon gains 4 levels of Lightning, attacks stun a target for longer, based on Chain Mastery rank; Increases damage dealt by Chain Impale
    Polar: Weapon gains 4 levels of Ice, attacks may deal an additional low-damage hit that slows an enemy, based on Chain Mastery rank; Increases damage dealt by Spinning Slasher

    Most weapons have only 1 slot, but some powerful weapons have 2 slots for Runestones. When 2 different Runestones come together, their resonances can yield additional effects. Beware though: some Runestones don't resonate well together, and can negate each other's basic effects.
    Runestones can only be applied to a weapon after a Gem Upgrade. Runestone crafting and application is done by a special NPC; crafting can fail, but application cannot. Once it has been applied, the Runestone is bound to that weapon and cannot be removed. You will be able to see the effects that a Runestone gives to a weapon before you commit to your choice.