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Q6; Cooking. Seriously people, there's tons of other things that is needed for it/to add cooking to.
Needs a way to involve the HS with farming vegetables.
Also, it's easy to fill in all the gaps for types of cooking;
Fermenting, Smoking, Tea-Making, Candy-Making, Chilling.
Also the lack of food is...sad. There's other easy food to make even though it's not in...Other scones. Muffins. Sandwiches..yeesh.
WHY CAN'T I MAKE A PB&J!? And why is HONEY useless?! At least let us use it as a sugar replacement for some things!
Anyway, what I've noticed with cooking (Like with other skills...) It's not exactly...finished. Not just with ranking, but a lot of ingredients and things that could be added to other things like the jams aren't used, and some things just aren't used a lot.
When you harvest barley, it'll say to go somewhere else for your stew-making needs, but I don't see any soup or stew that uses barley. Besides, the jams are laughably unused. Jam rolls, sandwiches, you name it, they could be used.
Besides...why can't we get stuff like buckets that can hold 10-20 units of water or milk? It'll take longer to get/use up, but it'd be better for inventory space.
Besides, the other cooking ranks could have some better things, like;
Slow-Cooking for things like Potroast, the Barley Stew, Compote (Fruit + Sugar + Water)
Freezing (With a new thing like an Ice Cream maker or "Flash Freeze" thing that looks like a box with a funnel, set it down, it uses some ice and using a ladle it'll test how well it comes out), stuff like Ice Cream (Salt + Sugar + Milk for a basic one, then use it with things like Chocolate or Strawberry or Blueberries to get other flavours)
Fermenting; Mixing Table and Ladle. Why? Because we could make our own alcohol that's actually useful, not just Wine Making. (That'd still be its own skill, but could be renamed or just kept seperate) There's already alcohol you can buy and mixed drinks to make, so making our own would be simple. Could even make some more grains and such/have a rice gathering area.
And for the last rank...Candy Making could be a thing, or even just Tea Making (For the more "Ceremonial" teas and such).