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I think Konosuba (although a good show) would be pretty lame. How many tracksuits are guys gonna get? Oh man you can have a grey track suit, or even think of it... a green track suit.
Well there's also the other guy's clothes, but also Armour for the most part I could see. Dullahan's armour, the one masked guy's suit, etc.
Alchemical Oil; Use it with a cylinder and spew it on the ground, then set it on fire. Made with cooking oil/honey and an earth gem.
Elemental Golem Crystals; Water = Ice (Slows enemies), Earth = Steel (Stronger defensively), Wind = Electricity (Ranged electricity spells.), Fire = Magma (High damage.)
Also, can we craft our own fireworks with this?
Gunpowder's easy to make, just combine that with paper and another object to get a design and boom; Fireworks.