Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer: Part 1 Update, containing the new Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • Let’s Play together (Alexina)

    Better yet just post it in their appropriate server section.
  • Delay and Latency.

    There is nothing wrong with wanting to have the same experience as everyone else, that's ok. But what you want is for everyone else to have the same cruddy experience as you do.

    All your suggestion does is bork down the appeal of a already non meta talent and does absolutely nothing but mess with game balance, and this is assuming the damage compensation even keeps up with the dps before the change. If it doesn't then you just straight up demolished magic by making it slower and weaker. You keep saying that your solution is such a easy fix but you don't take into account game balance what so ever.

    Also unless you're a whale who's bills easily top several grand Nexon won't notice your inactivity. I'm not saying you leaving will have no impact at all, it's just a little ambitious to think a single person will make much of a difference in terms of income. Unless of course said person is one of the top 10 whales.
  • The Tara Bank PTJ

    Gaea wrote: »
    90% of the time they are not on my friends list and that player is 99% of the time afk.

    I hate this ptj.

    But then there is the joy of getting someone who isn't afk but decides to reply at 11:40 pm.
  • Delay and Latency.

    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    They will never bring back the EU servers because EU broke the rules by going behind nexon;s back by releasing a patch when they were told not to.
    Have you also tried to Disabling Nagle's Algorithm? Also it's known that the farther you are away from the host server (So from L.A were NA's branch is held) the more lag you will get.
    Also Lag is not just from nexon's side. It factors in: Your computer, your connection, Nexon;s connection and more.
    And no, slowing down Magic is a completely terrible idea.

    I literally just said I have tried every single option of reducing lag. Please. Read what I have said.
    And please. If you're going to tell me that something is a terrible idea, could you please tell me WHY it's a terrible idea instead of just saying ''Lol no'' and expect me to believe you?

    They were trying to help, better safe than sorry. How often has someone said they've tried everything and skipped over the most simple fix? You just basically railed on them for a less than stellar reason.

    And it's a bad idea because you'd be changing game play for everyone to be more sluggish to accommodate the minority. What you basically want is for everyone else to be as slow as you because you don't get to be as fast as them. Why should players playing in their region be punished over something they had no control of to close the latency gap for players on the other side of the planet? I just don't see why on Earth should they make game play feel sluggish for the majority to make the minority happy, especially when they weren't supposed to be here in the first place. Na only opened their doors to Eu players who still wanted to play because their version shut down, don't be surprised when they focus more on their intended player base.

    All of this is even assuming that your proposed change doesn't completely screw magic over, even if the dps of magic doesn't change the lack of speed with make a lot of people unhappy and give people more reasons to just go with the warrior meta. Not to mention just how many Eu players would want this? This is an idea basically all of Na would be against and I doubt most Eu players would even want this change.
  • Dan3 magnum

    Policroma wrote: »
    Dan 3 magnum is hard. No lie. I would have hated to do it on a human.

    The problem is I think Nexon *intended* for the Dan 3 for this to be hard to get since it's considered OP back in Korea. I don't think you'll convince them to change it.

    The only thing that really made me want to ragequit over it was the stupid "fail pass". So many times I missed that dan 3 over a mere 100ish points, but because I thought I could make it and didn't hit that exit button in time, I had to wait another day. :( That's just UGH.

    Kr is Kr, Na is Na. It's difficult because the test was made with nearly 0 ping in mind and all Na did was copy and paste. It's not difficult because it's op in it's home region, it's difficult because it's easier to do in it's home region. If they made the test rng reliant just because the skill set is op then they shouldn't have made a way to make it even stronger with such a bullcrap test, all it does is makes a really strong talent even stronger because players will at some point get it. All the difficulty does is delay them and make the experience tedious.

    These tests are supposed to allow us to advance skills by showing our mastery of them. Meanwhile in reality people who play the test perfectly get screwed by missing a 99% displayed shot three times in a row or having to baby sit a brain dead AI that just sits there thinking it's a punching bag. Mistakes and bad luck should cost you a run, I agree. But you can fail by playing perfectly and having everything go your way up until the last 10 seconds the test and flop.