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Hello everyone! Sorry that it’s been a while since the last update! My body seems to have put me on forced hibernation so I haven’t been able to attend to many things or work on the pictures as much as I’d like. ;; (I wanted to pop in on the weekend and surprise everyone but that didn’t quite work out) Still since it’s been a while since my last update so I’d like to post what I have done so far. (*'▽'*)/
Aa I didn’t get to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
Apologies for the lack of updates! Been a bit busy and a bit tired, but I have almost finished 2 more orders. I’ll make sure to post them as soon as I’m done. Thank you for being so patient everyone! ^^
If you're still accepting commissions I would love to request one!
My main character: Exowolfe
Personality: Mischievous, cunning, laid back, charming. Chain blade, transformation, magic and music are his main strengths. He also has an affinity for sweets.
Ahh cute cute! Hahaha ^^ Of course! I’d love to draw him. ^^
There’s just a couple orders ahead of yours, so I hope you don’t mind waiting just a little bit!