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I think it's sad that 99% of us don't even know who our GM's are. You could argue that they're only really here to serve the purpose of monitoring the game, but seeing as how they are performing this job on behalf of our community, I would think that they would also want to be known and be a part of it as well?
That's how I would feel in that position. But you also have to take into account that if they were a visible/active part of the game then they would probably be making friends with us the players too and when/if bad things happened they might be seen as bias and it might cause problems. I think this is why we don't really see much of anyone except Sabina because she's kinda like the forums moderator (I think)
I've reported this issue 4 times and every time I was told it's being worked on. It's been like 7 months since I've said anything and still not being fixed. This is the system log of me receiving the quest at random after changing channels. This picture was taken JULY 20th 2016 and was reported in a ticket on the same day.
Can we please address this problem already?? It's highly irritating.