Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • Together in Erinn

    I agree, I am actually very upset about this bit of news. My main character has a name that I am very fond of that she has held for many years. I do not like how Alexina automatically has to change names regardless of how new, how old, or inactive another account is. If they share the same name, Alexina gets shafted without any exceptions and I am not okay with that. It should be, that whichever of the two accounts is OLDER gets to keep the name. I would even accept, whichever of the two accounts logged in first would get to keep it. Because If I didn't get the name, at least I would have had an equal opportunity to try for it. But this..... this is enough to make me cry because I know without a doubt that my name will be taken. I come and go throughout the year as I shift through games, but I always come back to Mabi because I have invested so much into the game and enjoy the time I spend. However, if I log in after maintenance and my name is taken I honestly think I won't be coming back. Yes, it is just a name. But its the principal that it just seems as if you guys are taking the easy way out of deciding who gets to keep what. That other ways would require more work or more coding and that this would be easier. Well, it may be easier but its not at all fair to anyone, not in the least.