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Which is more ur preference?
Male clothes because I main a male character, but I sometimes feel like female clothing is made more intricately so it looks better.
Which do u have more in ur collection?
Male clothes, but I do keep a few female clothes for my alts that I really like.
Ur favorite outfit(s) among ur wardrobe stash? Male:
Battleborn, Eluned Chillin' Urban, Gym Teacher, Eluned Detective, Afternoon Tea, Ruby Alchemist (...I COULD GO ON & ON)
Smart Uniform, Detective, Formal Royal Academy
Your outfits' colors...
I always use black and yellow, and then sometimes white, too, if it's needed in the outfit.
Also I really, really like outfits with shorts. Mostly because often male clothes come with sort of baggy, or flare-style pants and they just look really bad on my character. Since shorts are shorts, they can't really mess up the cut lolol