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Yes! It would make homeseads SO MUCH usefull aside from animal gathering and it would give me an excuse to go in more often, since i got bored of collecting dyes c:
I don't know which server it was, but I might have seen some Astral stuff shown off in a new Gachapon... so having an entire Gachapon filled with Astral themed items and even pet whistles would be sweet. I might actually pay if Nexon leaves out all the junk items and just ups the gachapon price and reward count. I missed whatever it was that provided the Homestead exterior decor, and the sky of my Homestead is looking pretty lonely.
The hs mobiles were from an event where you had to run a dungeon each day and gather up points to "rescue" a constellation. Also if you managed to rescue all of them, at the end you would get transformation medals for each.