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First of all, I agree that there are some pay to win elements.
However, I still play Mabinogi because these things don't prevents me from enjoying the game. I don't feel like I'm forced to spend any NX to progress. Stats can come as I rank my skills, and gear can be bought/reforged/upgraded with gold. Of course, the gear that costs an obscene amount of gold might be unreachable within a reasonable of amount of time, but I don't think you really need those to do most of the content and enjoy the game.
As for pets, I have four pets, two that I got from events, one given for free, and one from the return incentive quests. I do still run out of inventory space, but that's because I have a lot of items stored that I'm trying to sell on the auction house, otherwise inventory space wouldn't be a problem for me at all.