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Of note: the feed won't disappear from your inventory until you relog or change channels. If you stay logged in through the 7:00am reset time, you can feed your sheep with yesterday's candies.
We have plenty of classes as is, and Nexon does a miserable job of balancing them already; some of them are basically obsolete unless you have top-level reforges to power them up. Also, every time Nexon introduces a new class, they feel the need to one-up their previous class, instead of keeping it balanced. Nexon's methods for skill creation and balancing are "power creep everything" to put it mildly.
That said, I would love to see some of our monster taming/transforming skills be more useful. They're pretty much set as "for fun" skills at the moment, though they give some bonuses that used to be mildly useful. Taming has always been more trouble than it's worth in practicality, and transformation is severely hampered by the fact you can only use the four basic melee attack skills (in the best cases) with it. I could see taming being turned into a more "summoner" type ability if we could store our tamed animals for later use maybe? Even then taming would need a huge boost for it to be useful that way.
EDIT: Come to think of it, we already have a few skills that involve summoning things or having separate creatures do our bidding, and the problem is always that they either get outclassed by other skills in short order, or they're more obnoxious than they are useful. We have golems, which used to be considered top-tier stuff, and are now obsolete. we've got taming as already mentioned, plus the dark knight version, and taming music on top of that. We've got hydra, which still has some use, though it's easily outclassed at high-end content. Then we've got items that summon things: the rag dolls, and the mercenary scrolls. I'm not even sure I'm listing everything, but this is all stuff that Nexon has just left to rot for ages.