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With all the QoL added over the years I don't see why not, the main hurdle I think would probably be the connection with the web browser, maybe they can't rework that system but adding more things for guilds to do together would instill a lot more group cohesion, taking another example from Guild Wars 2, some guild activities or missions would be great, maybe a new repeatable daily achievement that rewards guild currency that you could use for things like reforge tools or experience fruits, make it worthwhile to participate with your fellow guild members, could vary day to day like "Participate in x Festia Games with Guildmates" or "Defeat x Enemies as a Guild", something that encourages a guild to participate in content.
Active fishing should definitely be more rewarding than idle fishing, maybe it can open up unique drops exclusive to people that actually put in the effort to participate in the mini game, exclusive enchant scrolls, maybe instead of fishing up monsters like in Belvast, you can occasionally fish up a friendly NPC like a passive Sahagin like Tiro who let's you purchase unique goods or rewards you with a unique quest that gives you access to special goodies, maybe a fishing renown NPC for increasing the quality/size/bite rates would be nice to include as well, lot's of potential here.