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Another AFK event? Cool, come to clear my inventory for fishing stuff.
No worries, everything you fish up will be an "Old Fish Trap" which stacks~ It takes 1x2 space, so you can afk fish without having the clutter. You "use" the traps for the rng items. But I would still clear up for opening the traps.
As far as I can recall, we've only had 2 lunar new years events in NA I think. Snake and Sheep. I think it'd be nice to have Lunar New Year celebrated more often~ As well as the Celtic Pagan holidays (since it's a Celtic game). Though I'm content when we just get the mainstream NA holidays' events~
We had an event last year, (the monkey), and the year before (the sheep), and I dont remember further than that. Last year there wasn't anything related to the monkey, unless you want to count the red monkey whistle we recieved during the hot time events May 2016, but there was still a fortune telling event for the spring festival.
Guess what! The year of the rooster has started January 28! I was hoping there would be an event or at least a hot time for the occasion, but since there was a lack of holiday events I started to doubt there would be a Lunar New Years event. Was anyone else hoping for a Lunar New Years event??