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According to this image, the potential level (plevel) gained is the current level divided by 10. So if you hit the current level cap for that rebirth from level 1-200 you get a total of 210 plevels. The cap plevel to my knowledge is 3k. therefore taking approx 15 rebirths, if you hit current level cap 14 times plus an additional 110 normal levels on the 15th rebirth. With our current normal rebirth time, it will take about 15 weeks. So if you hit the level cap every time it will take a grand total of 2910 normal levels to hit the plevel cap. But for those who can't hit the level cap and can only get to, let's say 60 current level per rb, it will take 143 rebirths to hit the plevel cap, but it totals to 8580 levels since the higher your current level, the more plevels you get. Correct me if my math is wrong