Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • [Satire] Mabinogi general stereotypes

    So did you know that Mabinogi as a whole is over 10 years old? god I feel old
    I've also been keeping a general eye on the community since the start, even though my dumb younger self never committed to an account/character until the Merlin Ace Update of all things. So much missed AP...

    Anyways, I'm sure you've at SOME point wondered what certain choices, be it cosmetics or races, said about you as a player.
    If not, well....
    You can enjoy this satire.
    Of course because some people might get mad, remember this golden rule:
    All stereotypes have exceptions, so even if something you have contains the stereotype of "big jerk", it doesn't mean you are one.



    Human players are actually the most difficult thing to pin stereotypes for, given that almost the entire population chose to be this race.
    However, this doesn't stop any of them from existing.
    First, we got the old school characters. These people existed before Elves and Giants were added, so it only makes sense that they are human. Skill levels vary greatly, but due to how long they have been around they are usually at the very least competent. Or they are a level 40,000 god.
    Second, we have the "humans are supreme" human player. Now, say what you want about which races are good or bad, the people I'm talking about here are always in your face about it. It doesn't matter what the situation is, they will talk down on Elf and Giant players like its their job or something.
    And Third, we have the "I have final hit, so therefore I must be invincible" player. You know what sort of people I'm talking about.
    Now I'm not saying you shouldn't help them know better, but you can at least let them die before doing so.



    The first stereotype here is actually very easy.
    A new player that picks giant to have decent melee without any dedication. Of course because of this, they often overlook what being a giant is actually about and then will wonder why they die so much once that early melee boost is no longer relevant.
    The second are old school true giant mains. These people are usually very laid back and lend a hand where needed. In fact, most long term giant mains seem to be this way. Keep it up. You guys are awesome.
    The third is the rebellious "I refuse to use melee" giant. Just....why? You picked the race known for melee, yet....why?
    Its like intentionally maining melee elf, unless you know what you are doing it has no purpose.



    Oh boy... These first two are going to make an elf somewhere angry, I just know it.
    First off, the pure fashion elf. Weak, fashionable, and afk all day. This could apply to humans too, but at least when humans do it they have stats.
    The second is a new player that has no idea what he is in for. He chose elf to be an archer without understanding the extreme dedication it requires.
    These players either give up archery, switch to a different race, or be the rare brave soul who eventually becomes...
    Third: The enlightened. These elves actually pushed through the suffering of early elf growth and became somewhat respectable. While often not melee like humans or giants, they still have great skill coverage and most likely decent crafting out of their need for dex.
    Finally, the fashionable hidden deity. These elves will look like the first stereotype, but show or greatly exceed the qualities of the third.
    I mean sure, they might still afk all the dang time, but then when you absolutely need help they will be there to carry you. Entirely.


    The meta follower

    Insanely powerful, often finding the most valuable items, and refusing to be fashionable beyond base cosmetics.
    Oh boy do these people have stereotypes.
    The first is the rare actually helpful/kind one. I'm sure if you are on any of the servers long enough you will know which people I'm talking about.
    The kind of people who will carry you in phantasm if you make a pass and NOT ask for your loot.
    The second is the exact opposite. The rude/superiority complex type. You know what I'm talking about.
    They will still carry you through things, but will always demand you give them your chest loot. Even if you made that phantasm pass yourself.
    To them, everything has to be about their precious money/progress, not yours.
    The Third type is actually pretty cool and/or annoying. The math types.
    You know, the people who do all the crazy math to find the most optimal numbers for everything.
    Sometimes to a....very painfully annoying degree. You know, the type that say "well just be level 40k and you can do this haha".


    The Fashionogi

    And here I thought the only potential hate would be the elves. Fashionogis have this stigma among some players of being whiny and never playing the game. Honestly that is only true for...
    The first, the pure fashionogi. Yeah. The one the stigma is about. They don't do much of anything so they never improve enough to handle harder content. Thankfully most of them are laid back and at the very least train music so they can jam out with eachother.
    The second: The Gacha Follower. Always wearing the newest gacha set. Nothing else. Usually this is in an attempt to make people think they are cool for being so rich. Spoilers though. Nobody really bats an eye.
    The Third: The actually good Fashionogi. These people have looks that are original, easy on the eyes, and most likely still play the game beyond going afk. Be it a merchant, assisting in dungeons, etc. Regardless of what gacha comes out, they will stick to their signature look with well deserved pride.


    The Enigma

    These people are weird. You know, the people that wear things like those animal mascot masks. All the time. NEVER removing them.
    Now, the stereotype actually depends on the mask in question, as different Enigmas wear different masks.
    The Squirrel Mask: Completely laid back, yet always shirtless for some reason if the character is male. Especially if a giant.
    The Rabbit Mask: Always willing to be helpful and run dungeons, but never, NEVER tick them off. They hold anger beyond your understanding.
    The Alpaca mask: These people just want to meme. Thats it, thats the stereotype.
    The Halloween Skull/Pumpkin mask: These people like to annoy you with the loud squeaky footsteps. Either a meme or a troll, depending on the situation. Of course the exception to this is during the month of October. In that case the person is just festive.

    And there you have it for general stereotypes.
    Now, if I continue or not depends entirely on this topic's poll.

    If you want me to continue, the next set shall be wing stereotypes.
    So if you want to see that, vote yes.
    Also I deeply encourage you to post what you think a stereotype is for certain wings, since god help me if I try to list EVERY SINGLE ONE.
    If anything we could turn this into community satire. Lighten the usual forum mood a little.
    JJRadiant Dawnpawcalypseoffwithyourheads
  • New Hairs and Faces in dressing room

    After this week's update, new hairs and faces, such as the dual eye color faces, have appeared in dressing room.

    So have fun with those existing soon.
    Any of them you are after?

    I'm after Dark Fairy eyes myself. AKA Demon eyes.
  • This event is terrible

    Wait, you mean the most desirable item was the bag?

    And here I was so happy to get a bunch of free crafting mats so I can raise my dex...
  • unwritten rules and strategies for others to know

    Well, if we are talking new players/starting the game in general...
    1. Do not choose Dual Guns, Puppets, Ninja, Chain Blades as your first talent, as they are dual stat talents and require previous investment from other talents.
    2. Do not start with battle alchemy. Just trust me on this one. Don't
    3. The real beginner talents are warrior, archery, and magic, due to being straightforward to use, easy to learn, and with their respective main stat coming from their own skills. They also give stats allowing you to easily jump into other talents.
    4. Life skills are really good, do them.
    5. Your current level is meaningless until you have gained at least 10,000 or more total levels. Always rebirth.
    6. No matter what certain people tell you, do not stay under total level 1000 for the sake of repeating the use of resets under the illusion of "getting stronger", as this causes you to miss out on a vastly important amount of AP you could have obtained from not doing so. You also get benefits after total 1000 such as free stats, rebirth potions, and other important items. I am sick of finding players that have been around a while and should be competent and strong, only to find out they spend half a year or more not rebirthing to be under total 1000.
    7. The white and black dragons are meaningless until late game, ignore everything related to them.
    8. No, I don't know why Divine Knights is given to people so early. It honestly might be one of the worst decisions in the game due to the sheer difficulty of the storyline compared to others, and that it confuses new players regarding the plot. Who knows, some might jump into it right away and think the game is unfair and quit because of it...
    9. Your actual growth is not from levels, but stats. You get stats from skills. Train your skills.
    10. Taming is a useless talent with zero benefit to being ranked.
    11. When events are around, you are able to sell the prizes for gold. Don't shy away from doing this, as having some form of gold is immensely helpful early on.
    12. Using weaker weapons is not a bad thing. You must always pay attention to repair costs.
    13. Don't talk to Ferghus.
    14. Don't look at Ferghus.
    15. Do not skip generation quests, and do them in order. This is because they give vital skills, knowledge, AP, free gold and armor, and in some cases access to extremely helpful areas for training certain skills.
    16. Do not be afraid of asking for help in game. Don't try to solo everything.
    17. Join a guild. No seriously, do it. Especially on the lower population servers. Makes it far easier to get help and just meet people in general.
    18. Every saturday night, a banquet takes place at Rath Royal Castle around 7pm PST/10pm EST. If you don't know the way there, ask someone to take you. If they refuse, they are too lazy to take 30 seconds of their time to carry you through a moon gate. Always be sure to go to the banquet as it gives experience for just being there. Enough to reach level 40, which is big for newer players.
    19. Read the forums, stay informed, pay attention to things, and be a good little cinnamon roll.
    20. Never believe the "game is dying" threads, as those have been around since the game's inception. Almost 10 years ago.
    Gaby5011BlissfulkillGretaJazmynNaomii66offwithyourheadsVeylaineOdinwolfeYokkaichiNewbieChainand 8 others.
  • Bring Back the Mid-Game

    Reminder that if crafting got an update that 90-100% of the new recipes, materials, etc will all be from high to endgame content.
    I know it would be better to have it otherwise, but considering how things in KR typically go...

    Replace updating NPCs with updating all forms of old graphics period. Old hair styles, old outfits, etc.

    If anything is to be added to low level dungeon rewards, lesser crafting mats. Like leather, silk, etc. Maybe wood boards?

    I highly doubt enchant will be revamped. Also just about anyone doing high end enchants can afford enchant protection, no need to make a fuss over rates.
    You also don't need enchants to surpass mid game. At all.

    I think the real problem to address is that the game does not explain the importance of stats very much, along with a lot of newer players trying to solo literally everything.
    When I created my current character, I surpassed the mid game super early because I knew about stat importance.
    But then I also met a total 14k player that was unbelievably weak, because he did not understand stat growth.

    Maybe on the talent selection page, add notices about what stats are needed for non beginner friendly talents like alchemy?
    Something like "This talent will not be effective without high HP, MP, and Stamina." listed above the skills.

    It would at least keep a bunch of people from trying to main alchemy super early and getting the impression of the game being way harder than it actually is.

    That and maybe listing beginner talents as Warrior, Mage, and Archery.
    The actually easy to grow/start with/understand talents.

    Besides that, it seems to be purely gold troubles I'm reading.
    Simple solution, stop trying to use high end weapons if you can't handle the repair costs.
    I've seen so many people jump right into things like beam swords and go broke trying to pay to repair them.
    Until you surpass mid game, Character stats >>>>>>>>> weapon stats. Use cheaper gear.

    Oh, and alchemy is just generally weaker, if not the weakest single talent in the game unless you really boost it a ton with proper equipment at endgame. Kinda sad really. The talent really needs a boost of some kind.
    Especially with how amazing sand burst is late game. More people need the power of pocket sand.