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  • Guild Wars Exploit

    FayeKaiba wrote: »
    This is not an exploit because the person was in your guild and they joined the guild war party. Limiting your members to being high ranked and strong to the party only is a fast track to having people not want to be in your guild. This was just a person being a bad sport.

    I don't think you understood what this post is saying. The OP is arguing to preserve the ability to recruit new players, whatever their caliber, not just strong players. But because any player is allowed to make the guild war party, a new, unknown player can be an enemy spy attempting to sabotage the integrity of the competition by making the party and running away or going in by himself to prevent an entire guild from participating. Do you participate in guild wars to know how it works? A party must be made to bring in the participants, but at the moment anyone can make that party and deny a guild from entering.

    I think there's a clear distinction between a "bad sport" and an enemy guild member attempting to join the winning guild for the sole purpose of sabotaging the ability to join the event.
  • It is time to give Giants and Elves Final Hit

    Pip-Boy wrote: »
    Kaga wrote: »
    Tayjee wrote: »
    Funded Elves are the strongest race at the moment, it's just that you guys don't have an understanding of the end game. You're probably thinking about elves without funding. Elves have the fastest clear rates through out the board on relevant content like phantasm, sidhe (mostly boss), aahm ,rahm, cahm.

    What are you even saying? Mag hits 150-200k+ crits on 0.5s cooldown, crash shots hit over 150k on main target w/ sufficient target count and 40k+ on fragments, and they also have vision for the aim buff...

    You forgot to mention that you have to drop a lot of money, which most people don't want to.
    If the players who made these elf fast-clear videos put the amount of money they invested to be able to "fast-clear" in their video descriptions, no one would even bother playing as an elf to reach that so called "end-game" (unless your priority in life is a mess)

    The secret to 150-200k mag crits is really the magnum combo cards which requires real life dollars to renew. The glove reforges and the behomian set which is pretty cheap help too but the major factor is the combo card. The weapon you'll be using itself has huge diminishing returns as you upgrade to better and better weapons.

    Yea it's pretty easy to become a "funded elf" by just getting a CRX, some sharp bolts, a Bohemian band with magnum damage, and a combo card from advancement tests. If you want to insist that elves must get a Bhafel combo then you would probably agree that humans must get floored swords, floored lance, and a tribolt on top of their final hit reforged gear. The main takeaway is that humans need to drop a lot of money as well to be better than a modest elf, but if an elf decided to also drop equal amount of money as the human then they will be stronger. Again, I'm talking about end game content like Alban/Tasm/HM dungeons, not just shadow missions, where a modest human outperforms a modest elf due to the low health.
  • It is time to give Giants and Elves Final Hit

    Black Rose Master doesn't add 21 damage because STR is capped with just link, not even cater required. Maestro title wasn't even mentioned because if you bard, you use Battlefield or Vivace title. Meteor master and Breaker are best mage titles unless you only use one type of spell which.... prob no one does? Alban requires you to ice spear, lrod, and firebolt/fireball.

    It's the best title to use if you run stuff and are quick enough to switch between weapons that scale off max damage, weapons that scale off magic attack, and shurikens for kunai storms. If you actually run stuff without switching weapons and only want to charge fireball/firebolt or want to have 2 more damage with the Black Rose title while linked then ok, I guess it is subpar.

    And yea.... I said no one would trade end game elf/giant for humans because by then it's obvious which race has the advantage.
  • It is time to give Giants and Elves Final Hit

    This thread is so hilariously full of biased opinions and falsehoods. I'd like to offer my own opinion and correct some of the falsehoods.

    1. Final hit multiplier is 400%, not 500%. Final hit is not the primary skill humans use for clearing content beyond shadow missions. It is not used for Alby or Rundal hardmode until the boss. It is not used in any of the Baltane missions because bolting or ice spear is better. It is not even used in Alban Heroic or Phantasm except at the boss stage to do single target dps or when you have failed setting up your other skills and need emergency teleport damage. Final hit is useful, however, in Sidhe where enemies are very spread out so teleporting around is useful, in shadow missions because monsters die in 1-2 hits, and in abyss dungeons because monsters are spread out and die in a few hits.

    2. Phantasm breaker is the best title in the game aside from Meteor Strike Master for mages, Battlefield Overture or Vivace Master titles for bards, and Crisis master title for puppet setups. Why is this title garbage? Do you prefer 2-3 damage more from Black Rose Master or Girgashiy Slayer over the 35 Matk, 40 MP, and 25 Will? Or a small damage boost to a single skill by using its master title? People seem to think that humans/giants like to cheese this dungeon by using lance charge, yet no one on Tarlach has done that, as that would be ridiculously slow. I don't know why some people consider elf horseback range as cheese, it's a cool race ability that elves have imo.

    3. Top of the Festia clobber ranks on Tarlach is a mix of elves/humans. An inactive elf player used to take top of single consistently, and the only reason humans have a chance in multi is because of splash with fanatic sword. Where exactly will splash with a fanatic sword be useful? Pretty much nowhere so the high damage of human clobber multi means nothing really. The race representation on clobber rankings are also skewed by the fact that most player are humans, so there are naturally more endgame human players than endgame elves, and thus more humans with the gear to outperform elves even though elves are better single dps.

    4. Top ranks on dungeon boss trials mean nothing really because the bosses are outdated and everything dies in 1-2 hits. If it was a Hardmode dungeon clear rank you would see elves on top of there.

    5. Humans have no advantages really other than final hit and a lower need for catering. Dual wield swords and arrow revolver are not advantages. Blunt mastery gives more damage than sword mastery, and giants can dual wield them. Arrow revolver is not used by humans except to finish deadly targets. Having more overall stats only allows you to perform better if you constantly rotate your skills on cooldown to maximize damage output with multiple different weapons. This advantage is nullified by catering/divine link, as any race can hit stat caps now with cater and divine link. So really, the stat advantage just means humans don't need to cater as much. If a giant/elf wanted to use cater more, they would hit stat caps just as easily. Disregarding echo stones because they are equal for all races, elves cap out at 40k with more DEX and INT than humans, so they really are the best archers and mages. At 40k, giants have more STR and Will than humans, so they are the best meleers/fighters/ninjas. A 40k human has no real stat advantage anymore.

    6. These threads always demand for a final hit nerf without providing any buffs. Sure I'll take a final hit nerf if I can get 400% aimspeed or 15% increased damage. Sure I'll take a final hit nerf if I can get a cooking pot offhand that provides 57 max damage. Sure I'll take a final hit nerf if I can get a shield that reduces any damage to 1.

    As a final word, I'd just like to say that this game is honestly playable as any race so we should all just get along and play instead of demanding for race nerfs/buffs. If you think the game is unplayable without final hit then.... try a human? It doesn't sound like you have invested as much into your giant/elf anyways if you think that one skill breaks the game. I would trade my 27k human for an equally geared/leveled elf anyday but I doubt anyone would take that trade.
  • lvl imp scooter to 200?

    I don't mean to be rude but the above comments are misleading. The best pet to divine link with is a scooter imp because it gives good stats and has a passive AOE protection debuff around it. You do not need a crystal deer to solo phantasm, nor would you need to level it to do tasm with hide method.