Momma_Sophie wrote: »You weren't following anything beyond the first two posts, but ridiculed the contents of the third post here in this thread. Alright, man.Momma_Sophie wrote: »uhm... are you feeling alright?? this is your first post in this thread. How can i respond to a post that you never made?? Unless you are one of the other accounts in this thread...
I mean take a look at that alchemy thread someoen just made. They where asking for buffs because its bad, and the first response is "lol get rev cylinder". That's nto how you balance alchemy....
I didn't post in that thread, and had no intention too. Nor was i following it beyond reading the first two post.
Then, when confronted and told to at least respond to the post you're criticizing, your defense is "I didn't post in that thread lol" which was the entire point I was making. You didn't respond to the post.
Ladies and gentlemen: These are the people who think they have the answers to game balance and company decisions Nexon should make going forward regarding content and items.
I rest my case. Sophie out.
They can get the same amount of dex as elves. Neither of those two skills have different modifiers for different races, bar the cooldown on mag. I'm assumning a human can jsut get mag cooldown and voila: it's the same damn thing.
That's the thing. There is no way to reduce magnum cooldown so human's are stuck with having a cooldown three times longer than elves. They also don't have Vision of Ladeca or Final Shot to speed up aim speed.
Also, in one of the earlier posts you mentioned ego giving throwing attack 0 sec cool down but to my knowledge that's not what the ego does? Everything that I've seen lists that the Atlatl ego merely increases splash range and gives you infinite javelins.
AlmostNotsuper wrote: »To my knowledge, there is no way for a human to achieve the magnum cooldown an elf has. Someone correct me if I'm wrong about this. Elves have a higher maximum DPS with magnum.
I don't know if you meant to insinuate this, but the bonus aim speed from Ranged Attack does not influence Magnum or Crash shot. I think it does affect AR, SS, and Mirage Missile though, in addition to Ranged Attack itself.
Elven ranged attack is superior to Human ranged attack, on paper. Two arrows per shot means much more damage, and the ability to run while aiming is neat. These advantages are well worth the lower aiming speed and bonus damage, IMO.
But elf lag is a thing. It doesn't happen all the time, but that delay is annoying enough that I avoid using ranged attack in favor of mirage missile most of the time.
Human archers have more safety and consistency - Elven archers have more damage potential and some extra utility. I wouldn't say either is 'best', but that's mostly because we're so laggy over here and the ease of AR really helps with that. If lag weren't a thing, I'm sure most people would consider elves the best. Most people who bother with archery probably do already.
An AoE DoT (which can kill) and slow (stacks with celestial spike)? Mirage Missile is underrated, but since the meta is one-shotting everything, I can see why people would ignore it. When you can't one-shot, it's extremely helpful. And the damage scales with dex now.
Final shot is good. Could be better. As someone who doesn't use reforges or have any weapons with significant erg levels, I think archery should be more like it is with final shot (in terms of aim speed), than as it is now, and final shot should be like final shot+ vision of ladeca (or at least like Vision of Ladeca). Provided something like this happens, Vision should be deleted.
I'm glad you mentioned the part about Magnum and Crash Shot being the only skills that matter. I think that's the crux of the problem with archery. It's hard to balance a talent that has you essentially spamming smash at range with a relatively short animation lock. I like archery, but at times it seems kinda lame that it's essentially just magnum spam (as an elf). However, anything less won't come close to competing with other forms of combat.
Ideally, they'd lower the damage of magnum, speed it up in return, add some benefit to using the other skills, and increase the damage of ranged skills overall, provided some condition(s) is(are) met. I have a few ideas for this, but I'm sure there are many ways it could be done. IMO, all of the older talents could use this treatment. Delete or rework their most OP components (and ideally bloat components too - mostly for close combat, this part), give them 'goals' to achieve in combat that make use of their basic lesser-used components and empower their combat ability temporarily, and nerf or delete everything that makes these moot, OP, or otherwise too difficult to manage (for the devs). Also, maybe rework some stats and even upgrades/enchants.
Bam - combat is engaging again, and the old talents can be stronger without adding random power creep.
...But, nothing like this is ever going to happen, and certainly not for archery. Stuff is too good in SK, land of 0 lag. Also, people hate nerfs.
I will admit I'm one of those elf characters who wants dual wielding for "the looks", as I have always loved the trope of the elf archer who pulls out a pair of knives when the action gets too close. And thus the inability for an elf to use some kind of dual wielding has always bugged me to a point, as Mabinogi is seemingly the only fantasy game in the freakin' universe where *only* elves cannot do this.
Sadly, I doubt it will happen at this point, and if it was, it'd probably be heavily nerfed. The way the Koreans play elves is too freakin' powerful. All balances and adjustments are an attempt to bring other races *up* to that point. Korea's idea of giving elves a melee boost was to bring us chainblade and add those "Tech" skills.
Way back in the day, I upgraded and enchanted the hell out of a Chef's Passion to get an enormous STR and Damage boost out of it. While this did work out fine in SMs and still works against smaller enemies, it lacks the ability to do special upgrades, reforges, erg, or spirits, and thus it doesn't hold up to the amount of damage you're expected to put out in higher level bosses. Meanwhile a good shot from my Bhafel Hunter, assuming good conditions, buff stacking, etc. will put out a 90k+ hit. (I am not by any means "min/maxed" nor do I have the absolute best gear, enchants, or reforges. I'm too much of a cheapskate to go for max rolls unless I can buy them off other players for cheap.) Add Ladeca for some good spammy fun, and Final Shot for situations where you can't use it. If you've got some humans or other distractions with you for crowd control, you're destroying enemies.
Keep in mind that people who go all out with perfect rolls, enchants, reforges, food, whatnot, can end up with individual hits of over 300k. Imagine that with Ladeca spam? Combine with Final Shot? Yeah, it's too powerful.
Another person made the point of being able to spellwalk with full elf running speed. I've done it myself, against those bone dragons in Sidhe. Yes, it's likely more powerful than it should be.
I really do want dual wielding for character purposes, but it seems Mabi's most recent attempt at a compromise on this is certain types of shuriken skins. (Example, the Elegant Lotus skin converts a shuriken into a pair of chakrams.) I'll take it for now, if grudgingly. Gives me an excuse to get better at those ninja skills. And hey, if nothing else, I got my special upgrades, reforges, erg, and spirit.
Bronzebreak wrote: »Bronzebreak wrote: »Some items can't be listed in the AH; those that can use the exact in-game name, so I presume the Badoura is one of the unlistables.
Edit: Turns out I have some, and can confirm they can't be listed in AH for whatever reason. If you're on Alexina I'd be more than happy to sell it to you.
Yes that would be fantastic, so long as it's reasonably priced heh. Tell me your ign ill add/note you
Presuming your IGN is Vasumati I mailed it to you.