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Hi. I filled out your survey, but I wanted to bring to your attention that everyone's results are likely going to be skewed. Certain categories are not ranked separately when they should be in order to collect information as accurately as possible. For example, you ask us to rate on a scale of 1 to 5 how difficult (and engaging) the storylines are on average, but there is a drastic difference in how difficult and enjoyable the newer generations are compared to the older ones. You also asked us how expensive we think it is to rank skills in general. However, I think most people would agree that life skills are much more expensive to train than combat skills, and it would be nice if the survey would reflect that. There's also a fine line between content like dungeons being enjoyable and rewarding, and the list goes on.
In the future, don't be afraid to split the categories further and include as many questions as necessary. I think anyone who is invested in this game and would like to see it improve wouldn't mind taking a bit longer to give accurate information if that's what it takes.