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"...Guard your throats and hide your eyes. He's not dead, you fools. Legends never die" - A. G. Howard *RoseBlood*
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  • Real Talk: Nerf Chainz

    Rhey wrote: »
    Julie wrote: »
    Rhey wrote: »
    Opalthira wrote: »
    Jazmyn wrote: »
    Demonic Infinite Bow:

    Stinger Chain Blade:

    Bow is only up to gem upgrade and chain has one blue upgrade stone... Current level 44, total 1367... I'm not knowledgeable on this stuff obviously, so I may not be seeing things everyone else who is more aware of how stats effect things... But I'm not seeing where a normal attack is like, 10k damage straight from the weapon's shop on a naked character.... :(

    r1 impale does 12k+ for me
    All my ap is in dex skills
    I am using the basic chainblade with enchants the event enchants on it.

    Here is sum moar pics 2 further drive in my point.



    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    I haven't said much here, because there's far too many people depending on the word Talent to bother talking about it. I have no problem with you personally, Rhey. There are certain people in this forum who seem to think that because I disavow a direct need to dedicate myself to any specific Talent for any amount of time, this means I don't know how to play the game I've been playing for nearly 10 years. We don't really need Talents any more so (or any less so) than we needed Destinies (a bonus is nice but it's hardly a need or a must have). All they ever were for was a way to get people more acquainted with skills they either couldn't figure out how to obtain, or found them to be too difficult to obtain. There are people who firmly believe the talent you choose at the start can make or break your character permanently, and from among those inside that thought train come the largest amount of trolls not worth arguing with. ~ If you're a noob and you're reading this; There is no such thing as make it or break it in Mabinogi. There is no such thing as forever failure because you liked the wrong 'predetermined set of skills someone chose for you'. ~ Don't ever forget it.
    Ofc my goal was not to tell people how to have fun or 2 be mocking those who'd like to be sticking to their guns about what skill set to use. Far from it. I am just reality checking chains to be balanced so that prevs investments made into other skillsets won't be worthless. Dat feeling when U spent hundreds of dollars and millions of gold and under perform against a 5k cardinal in ferghus's shop...leaves a bad after taste U know? :s :'( :o
    And I don't hold anything personal myself either against anyone who disagrees. It's kewl. ;)

    so cuz not enough $$$ was put into it, it needs to be weaker? :|

    Since all my investment made into other combat talent is pointless cuz "chainz"...can I get a refund on em? :o

    Sure thing. Right after I get a refund for all the pets I paid for that are only good for inventory space, since they're now giving them away like fliers for a garage band.

    And refunds for all the repairs I did on cars I no longer own irl.
  • New Hairs and Faces in dressing room

    I don't know what you're talking about. I've had different colored eyes for years.
    /puts on Odd Kitty Head.
    Look, one of the eyes is even flashy.

    But seriously, I'm not interested in RNG eyes of any kind.
  • Naco commerce event

    Gaea wrote: »

    Such improvement. Way kitty. So strange. *gets shot*
    [Deleted User]
  • Dan Test Progress

    I think it's a boredom thread.
    [Deleted User]Veylaine
  • Real Talk: Nerf Chainz

    It's probably pretty safe to assume at this point that every time we get a new skill set, assuming it's not life skills, it will be more powerful than the last. That being said, leave chain alone.
    [Deleted User]GretaBuffalosRadiant DawnTrythisZeoVeylaineJazmynSherriCoolAid