Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the September Update, containing changes to Elemental Knight, Harmonic Saint, the Return of Fahmes Ruin, and more!
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"...Guard your throats and hide your eyes. He's not dead, you fools. Legends never die" - A. G. Howard *RoseBlood*
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  • Your pet from the chocolate romance event

    I used one and got a terrier. I already have all of them, so it doesn't matter. I might destroy the others (if it's possible). I have too many pets already, and the game just recently gave me a unicorn. (Now I have at least four kinds of unicorns.)
    [Deleted User]
  • A half-assed explanation again :v

    Iyasenu wrote: »
    Shadoe wrote: »
    They spawn, I can get a ticket by punching the boss, but the other guys have stopped dropping tickets. Some people have said they've already collected enough tickets for the whole event, so it shouldn't be that there's a limit :/

    Do you have Premium Service or VIP Service?

    If you don't have either of those, you'll eventually get slapped with a field mob drop penalty.

    Though, if you do get affected by that, you can still just commerce to get red badges.

    No, I killed monsters in two different maps before going back to bandits, and tried bandits in three different towns, and still no drops. I waited hours before killing bandits, still no drops. I'm going to re-log after supper and see if that helps.
    I know I can commerce, which is why I'm not panicking, but it's inconvenient
    and I'm lazy.
  • Last Post Wins

    Somehow, the smell of my tea mixed with the smell of my cereal smells like spinach.

    Now I want spinach.
    [Deleted User]JazmynDANIarts
  • A half-assed explanation again :v

    So what causes me to no longer get drops from the bandits? I tried changing locations, attack skills, and weapons, but no more badges are dropping. Is there a limit? Or maybe it resets at midnight and I haven't registered with a town since then?

    Edit: Relogging fixed it.
  • Well, That Was Close(Or,The Headless Giant Thread)

    Hardmuscle wrote: »
    Shadoe wrote: »
    I had to update the name of the thread to reflect its true contents. :D
    Headless Imp (Peaca Mob Proposal), to heal the unintended hijack of your thread. :trollface:

    No, no, feel free to post half nekkid male Giants in my threads anytime you want :)
    [Deleted User]WolfandWolf