I don't see how selling gacha for "cheap" was the cause of inflation by the way.
It's clearly because of people who farmed gold to sell it for real money. That's how so much gold generated in the game. I see people buying/selling gold every day and there's no way to stop it until people start massively reporting these people.
Alexina must be merged. It's dead. There's barely any people doing anything in there. I miss times like 4 years ago when you would barely find an empty space to place a shop in Dunbarton, there would be shops around Dunbarton Moongate and always people running around, buying, selling and chatting. Months before AH update. there sometimes would be one or two free spots for a shop in a square, but now... There's like what? 5 shops at square in total? Even Belvast is dead too, only the first block is filled with shops instead of both like it used to be, even with AH update.
Even the dam spam chat bots have quit lol. There was none in Belvast when i went there few days ago.
Lag is avoidable too. Just don't stand in crowded areas, also get better PC or internet. I'm from EU so i dealt with delay on many games daily.
There's no excuses for no merge.
Hellkaizer wrote: »
This isn't meant to be an attack on you by any means, just quoting it because it leads into my point.
Levels mean a lot, it's the difference between someone who can run phantasm vs someone who does solo rooms faster than most parties can do a room together. At total level 40k shine skill adds nearly 400 to all stats. That's an extra none boosted 160 Max damage. When you're stacking things like bonechip/overture that difference is monstrous.