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it is simple, really,
i dont give a damn about cosmestic or gacha wings and tails,
just remove anything that refer to this sentence : "CHARACTER STRENGTH AND EQUIPMENT"
"hur dur it wont attract players to buy gacha"
then give us something other than bullcrap gacha
you rarely update eweca orb
VIP service horribly outdated
some event in korea or japan will be skipped or replaced with worse kind of event
bugs in nearly every updated, some of them never get fixed
big patches are half-witted (giant revamp but barely has anything to do with their homeland)
making game unplayable and making game unconformable without spending money into it is different kind of things
R1 stuff
Reforge (credne and fine)
Powerful Enchant (SAO and Halloween gacha)
Top Gear (Celtic Weapons with R1 reforge)
Uncraftable Gear (shilien knuckle and rebis)
Set Gear (Colossus and Broken Horn)
Support Puppet
PUTTING OP STUFF IN GACHAPON is a worst decision can a MMORPG developer ever make
it ruins the game, making the game literally worse for free2play player and better for whales