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she's pretty quiet when you first meet her, but opens up once you get to know her. She likes transcribing and playing music, as well as sitting around and chilling, but when she fights, she's pretty strong! ^^
⍟IGN/Server: Enlise/Ruairi
⍟Style: [Manga, chibi] full-body manga style
⍟Reference: [As many screenshots of your chara as you wish] http://i63.tinypic.com/icu7p3.png
⍟Description: Would prefer to have wings/halo in the commission, and a pose like below if possible. http://prntscr.com/evcaov
⍟Colouring: [Yes/No] Yes
⍟Background: [The lineart will get a shadow bg or a black-white landscape if
the background type wanted wasn't specified.] Preferably a night sky/ clouds background if possible.
⍟Payment Type: [This can be discussed personally with the manager as soon as your commission has taken place ♥] Gold
If you have discord, add me. My discord is Yue#6027 . It'd be easier to discuss there and I can provide any details I'm missing here to you. x3