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There's something weird about this beach.. and there's something weird about this ice cream. I'm not sure they're meant to glow like this. But y'know.. what's the worst that could happen?
Aton Cimeni won't mind if we swim in here, right? Whoa, I feel great!!
Alpin is super busy in the summertime, there's a lot to do in the castle gardens. So if he can't visit the banquet, i'll bring the banquet to him!! He even made a flower crown for my pet- wAIT! WE HAVE TO TAKE A PICTURE FIRST!!
There are many things I'm thankful for, but this hit me right in the heart and made a big impact cuz I'd been waiting for years haha!
Thank you so much
I'd like to request to please let us hide the status effect icons somehow. The little square ones that show up under your name.
It doesn't disappear when you hide names or the UI and so wrecks screenshots.
So for example using a meditation potion causes it to be stuck on your character for 3 days unless you rebirth and lose the effect. Also even just having a prism in your inventory puts it on, and you can't store the prism in the bank or pets so it's stuck for as long as you have that too.
Usually when you hover the mouse over second title icon, it shows a text bubble with the name of the title.
However, with the G21 Title (Member of the Alban Knights) it doesn't do that. So to people who don't have the title or don't know what it is, it's just the picture of 4 emblems.
...People need to know that i'm a member of the alban knights! u_u