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I filled it, and it took me a while, but it felt like the survey was more geared towards returning players.
Too many questions focused on the skills we use instead of actual feedback; the way the questionnaire is set up, only leaves one question/field for... pretty much everything players may want to talk about the game, and (at least in my case) ended up in a big text wall simply because there was no other place for me to put it on.
I feel like a set of a few more focused questions (ex: what do you like/dislike about storyline, what do you like/dislike about crafting, about gameplay etc) would let players give proper feedback without the team having to sort through huge blobs of text ;/
We need more journal achievements for the total level we reach. It currently stops at 10,000 total level, but as this game gets older and older, of course more and more players go beyond that threshold....
Journal achievements for reaching all possible dans in a certain talent could also be implemented, as well as an exploration achievement for reaching newer areas like Avalon and scuabtuinne?
Most often, people will upload other's people's work on the board without even giving the time to give proper credit to the ones who actually made the score and reap the upvotes for themselves. It's a bit frustrating to see your own work put up without credit.
I just stay away from the board altogether.
It was badly implemented from the start, anyway. Just one more dead feature the second it came out. (Mabinovel? who uses that?)