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I was under the impression the Wraith robe had some kind of idle to it, considering the main page about the event shows some kind of idle with it...... in both pictures.
But nothing in-game. Guess i shoudn't have expected this much for a freebie.
When will pons become relevant again for beauty options vs coupons?
When will we get new homestead decorations that don't rely on gacha? (no, that doesn't apply to life skill update)
Are there plans to update the older graphics, hairs and clothes to newer standards?
My only beef with g21(aside from what already mentioned up here) is that they should've put more art in important moments, especially part 2.
The credits were a little disappointing since it was just recycling the art we saw through the gen as well. There could have been other stuff, like the aftermath See what the knights are up to in some kind of epilogue, i dunno. G20's credits had more in that way.
Most importantly, there should have been a portrait of the elder without his helm at the Merlin RP, Altam should have gotten art when he pulled the sword out.
I just feel there's been a lot of wasted opportunities to add in art pieces, and that would've made the whole gen more immersive....