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Transformation mastery has the potential to be the Life tab's ''fighting style'' but with its current limitations, it cannot. It'd be nice to have some actual function behind it aside from just transforming into monsters or NPCs with limited basic skills.
(...) that would be me thinking too highly for them to update every new hair to flow for free.
especially when they can't even update the old old hairstyles / swap them with the NPC hairstyles that -did- get updated. Or update the old blocky square-boobed outfits and old textures.
Gachas in general tend to stink of poor choices for additional rewards, but this one takes the cake with putting pets behind a paywall. Poor business practice, even if it's supposed to be a themed bundle.
putting new outfits in shopping bags and wigs in gacha would be more profitable in the long run, but guess good ol Nexon only wants fast cash nowadays....