Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer: Part 1 Update, containing the new Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • Celestial Daydream Box

    Dude this "god" aesthetic is super tired, haven't there been several gachas along these lines designwise by now? It looks dumb and does nothing for immersion, and everyone who can afford it wears the trendy stuff like this anyway so it isn't ever like you can feel special wearing it.

    That's right, all of you rich folks sittin around in dunby in the newest gacha outfits are clowns with no sense of fashion. Get some taste of your own to spend all that gold on.
  • Alexina Should be merged with Nao as well.

    Let's also not forget that Alexina will not be gaining players from this. We're certainly going to shrink and nothing else, while old players will be returning for the Nao server and new players will most likely be recommended by those people. I am all for the merge, thanks for putting this so eloquently OP.
  • Alexina Should be merged with Nao as well.

    I am from Alexina, formerly Mari until early 2016 or so, and I also wish for Alexina to be included. I would be surprised if anyone from the server wasn't. I've played and spent more for this account by a long shot than my old Mari account, and going back there would be hardly better than another hard restart; something I am no longer willing to do, now that I've put more work into my "new" mains than anything from before.

    I've been in and out of this game for a while, and for a while now my activity has been on a low. I have effectively quit for better things where I don't have to worry about reforge nonsense. Having old friends around would have made it worth it, as they always have, but I have no more incentive now to come back than before, and I am not the only one of such a mindset lately.

    This should have been worth celebrating. Since I started playing in 2010, going through high school and several jobs and such, I've met a lot of friends out of the game who turned out to play it, but in being in different servers I never got to play with them. There's enough that we could have formed a reasonably sized guild if we wanted to I'm sure. But this does nothing for us (Alexina players), people who quit in the past will be coming back to the other servers while we're stuck where we are, all because we wanted to play a lively MMO over the past three or four years. A negligible amount, if any, from this server are happy about this, and from this thread and conversations happening elsewhere I would say the majority is on board with our school of thought. Most others are simply contrarian.

    Speaking of which, if you do not feel strongly either way about this, please just don't vote at all. You do not benefit yourself in any way by voting no unless you believe it to be the better choice, you have nothing to be vengeful or salty about towards proponents of Alexina's inclusion. We're not being rude or uncivilized towards Nexon, so there's no need to form a defense.
  • Beauty Coupons Should Be Permanent Unlocks

    Yeah that's basically the idea. 6k honestly wouldn't be too much to unlock it permanently, it kinda sucks but I'd go for it.
    They saw we wanted this sort of thing and went for the absolute scummiest answer to it they could, and it's so plainly visible it's ridiculous. Why create the extra hassle if these things tend to already be expensive as hell in-game, right?
  • Beauty Coupons Should Be Permanent Unlocks

    What I'm proposing is to cut the nonsense. As it stands, buying and using beauty coupons, especially for the face for which there is no storage available, is a generally bad decision that forces you to stick with the style you chose or regret it once you feel like changing again.

    And no, the storage coupons aren't a good fix for this. 6k just to be able to switch back once? That's just downright unnecessary if not insulting, especially given the price in Gold of a lot of these. Not everything has to milk the players for all they're worth. Or, maybe it does, I understand something's gotta keep this game afloat but I thought Reforges had that covered. Cash items used to feel like some bonus thing to help speed along a process or fix a mistake, this is just a scumbag move to make people pay for something that really shouldn't warrant it. Dyes are pretty scummy in concept too, but they're much cheaper than this by comparison.

    I realize I could be wrong, so honestly how many people actually put a lot of money into keeping their hairstyle? Moreover, how many people, who don't buy these, would buy them if a single use rendered the style permanent? Heck, even if you had to get the Storage to make it permanent, I'd be all over that.