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Reason why you don't see many giants is because all these bandwagoners went from human/giant to elf.
I bet most of them still didn't reach high damage on their elves
That's exactly true.
I mean, most newly made elves in Mari are buying gears for 50-100m+ (saw this one elf with gears (all of 'em) that had 5 trades left..
But they all are still around 1k cp.
So yeah, you are right 'bout that.
Usually these are the same type of people who tell you how you should play the game as that race and will jump to a different race whenever there is a new revamp/meta for that specific race.
IMO.. before they talk aboutend-game elf , reach it first.
Copy-pasting some random JP/KR end-game elf speedrun-clip (that probably spent thousands of bucks)doesn't make you an end-game(r).
Back to topic; I would rather go human to have more options (playstyles)
Honestly dark skinned elves are one of the least immersion breaking things I can think of considering flying Food Truck pets are canon in "the lore".
Besides, Milletians don't follow the same rules as NPCs.
Reason why some are so against this topic (dark skin for elves) is because they are so into the usual basic af "elf lores" where most elves look like they are from the aryan race and spam archery. There was a guy who even said that elves in LotR lore aren't dark skinned, as if that had something to do with mabinogi's lore.
As for the kid who said it will impact his "roleplaying".. go play something else then.