That's fine but you are not reaching your full potential as an elf in combat. That doesn't mean you're not a perfectly competent and useful party member & player. But I don't need to watch any videos to pop my 15 minute duration (out of every 36 minutes), 400% aiming buff (a total gamechanger that you're seemingly trying to downplay) and tear stuff up in a way that the other two races can't. I can now contribute something to a party uniquely as an elf player, and I don't see how you don't understand how this affects mounted play as well.
It seems like the real problem here is that you don't want to be an archer, and I do join you in hoping for some sort of Elf exclusive magic perks. The race was always meant to excel in magic as well, and I don't deny that. But if it's too large, then there will be a backlash from Human and Giant players who have invested a lot into magic. I'm all ears if anyone has ideas for an elf magic buff that manages to avoid that outcome.
That's what you think though. While you pop your 15 minute duration of VoL every 36 mins I just n+blaze everything and firebolt/SS+impale bosses.
We all have our own ways of playing the game, but you have no right to come here and tell people that they aren't serious combat-wise because they don't use archery.
I didn't say that VoL doesn't affect mounted play, it's just that it's exactly the same, just 4x faster.
FYI, that "Potential" that you are talking about (mag/cs spam) needs tons of gold/investment to even be relevant.
and that 400% aiming speed boost has been pivotal in our ability to finally kite effectively with our mounted archery.
The elf archer "cs/magnum bot-like spam" comments being made ITT come off as pure bitterness. And I think you're being pretty disrespectful to elf players like myself who wanted to play Elf archer from day 1. We're not bandwagoners and you're trying hard to put us down as such.
I have found elf archer to be an extremely dynamic playstyle, especially as of late. Between magnum shot as my main damage source, crash shot, kiting (with and without mounts), final shot (another powerful elf exclusive archer skill that you have not brought up that stacks with VoL for 0 aiming time ranged play) compounded with death marks debuffs from my secondary weapon and chain skill crowd control.
I don't expect everyone to pay for the extra equipment slots but combine all that with keeping my party buffed on my extra set swap (Tuan being up most of the time for my mounted archery) and I don't find myself to be a spammer or bot-like at all.
That's fine but you are not reaching your full potential as an elf in combat. That doesn't mean you're not a perfectly competent and useful party member & player. But I don't need to watch any videos to pop my 15 minute duration (out of every 36 minutes), 400% aiming buff (a total gamechanger that you're seemingly trying to downplay) and tear stuff up in a way that the other two races can't. I can now contribute something to a party uniquely as an elf player, and I don't see how you don't understand how this affects mounted play as well.
It seems like the real problem here is that you don't want to be an archer, and I do join you in hoping for some sort of Elf exclusive magic perks. The race was always meant to excel in magic as well, and I don't deny that. But if it's too large, then there will be a backlash from Human and Giant players who have invested a lot into magic. I'm all ears if anyone has ideas for an elf magic buff that manages to avoid that outcome.
Blissfulkill wrote: »I have to play as an archer?
I am doing exceptionally well chaining everything to death.
I think chain is really good now, but Elves have still been buffed so much with their archery that I think you need to be an archer main with supplementary weapons/sets to really reach the elf's full potential.
I'm still so shocked about how much they've been buffed in archery. Nexon did this from a variety of different angles instead of one straightforward Elf revamp, but I feel they're really in a good spot now.
No you don't need to archer to be a good elf "combat-wise".
People think that because they just follow the crowd/overseas servers. They haven't tried to find their own playstyle.
I already said this and I will say it again; If you think archery is good and nothing can be as good as archery, good for you.
Just don't tell people that they can't consider themselves as serious player "combat-wise" because they don't archer.
They have their own play style and you have your own-.. well.. play style.
Can you prove me wrong because I've been maining Elf since the morning servers came up with elf release and they have never been too viable for competitive play until relatively recently at least on NA. It's not just the mag spamming but we can finally put different mounted archery techniques to good use and our new racial active is exclusively beneficial for archery.
Elves were always meant to excel in archery, so I don't know why you're taking offense
Elves need dark skin.
This will never happen due to lore reasons
im not following anything, just saying that elf archery is either meta and you should call it such, or it isn't because you found a better alternative, if you did congratulations that's the meta
if said alternative isn't better then why are we still arguing this, you chose the lesser option because its fun to you and thats nice but if somebody asks which is the better way why not answer them the truth instead of going circles around it