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the..the fishing minigame is an issue for people? thats the first time ive heard that, and oh god that cp thing would be nice too. even if it was just a toogleable like trasnformation mastery
Theres alot of old stuff that could frankly do with some love, uptuneing or completely overhauling.
Gems dont stack. Make them stack.
Water is a runescape-themed nightmare waste of time. Overhaul water bottles to hold 10 stacks e.g "7/10th full bottle of water". this would also mean changing ingredients to require "water" rather than a bottle of water. might take some effort to change, but would be loved by many
add some more value to collection quest scrolls. there straight up unviable even for a new player. even with 20 bots, I would not consider them viable, not that im suggesting using those. maybe between 8-10k for completion, instead of 13 gold. or better yet, as a bone atali hunter myself, get rid of them, seriously, there pointless fodder for the sake of fodder. id rather get 20x more smelts then get one more collection scroll
Gifts don't stack. Let them stack. Less of an issue for people with bag space, more of an issue for new players. A better alternative is removing secret shops, but id be happy with this change.
alot of cooked ingredients dont stack. Let them stack e.g boiled egg.
Remove silk weaving gloves. its a tedium few enjoy, and they break excessively quickly.
Not quite as old, but i'd argue need an update, Elite quest passes. let them stack. e.g elite provocation. Not for time limited obviously, but regularly acquired versions.
increased payouts for former scrolls. these things have straight up become so insignificant there being made fun of in the story. I guess that joke doesn't work if they actually do update them, so maybe not?