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theres alotta issues with the vein, but it glows at night. its ore. why is it glowing. im not in barri.
also why did is there sulphr in the veins. like. just take two seconds to relook at this. sulphr ore has litarely no use. its used for bit parts in skill quests, and main stream quests. thats it. you dont even need sulphr ore to build it. but you get sulphr ore from it.
i know ore is kinda been rendered obsolete, but this is just adding injury to severed arm
Any hope of mining ore being a thing again is just thrown straight back out the window with how much sulphr ore you get from these rocks.
its just dumb. everything late game around albain training onwards, has heavy stander. its not good design. its not clever design.
Shadow archers litarely have nothing but a bow. they can use no skill, but ranged ability. yknow what happens when you punch a shadow archer with heavy stander? it tries to load its arrow shooting thing. i dont know the word. Arhcery? maybe. giants care not for this concept, but i know hitting it for it to try to load archery, is very annoying. it serves no purpose. just think for 5 seconds "should this have heavy stander".
i mean, its not the same as ranged or magic stander. if you hit a balrug with heavy stander, your gonna feel dat' machete. archers and mages have a chance or even another option to knockback. i guess my only option is smashing?
Man im sick of this crap!
wheres the special javelins? i keep getting all this crappy ammo i cant use, theres more then two races yknow! this is just blatant racism.
So chaos was churning this night, and something was created that totally shuddent have been.
The Conqueror Crocodile Great Mallet was born! Enchants so Powerful. It exceeds the weapons base damage. Truly a work of art.
However. The conqueror lying dormant in this weapon is being oppressed! He is forbidden from special upgrades by some malevolent force!
Anyway we can fix this? Nudge Nudge, Wink wink