Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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dont use potions, use bandages.
  • Why is the tutorial so damn garbage?

    i was talking with someone the other day about the tutorial material available. i started a newer character to have a wander around alexina (since i still had cards from the old card rebirth system) and the tutorial is so mindnumbingly boring i cant belive any new players start.
    i dont know all the details, but even then, people have to do the missions from the "tutorial board" which are even more mind numbing, making you repeat the same sequences up to 3 times like your starting your first year of kindergarden.

    "ok now magnum the tutorial dummy that does nothing but use defence" that one in particullar is realll annoying. and its not like you can use any other arrow skills in that tutorial, they all do 1 damage even if it dosnt use defence on the blow. just. wow.
    im not an experienced archer since i primarly play giant, but are people seriously using magnum on defence?

    Not to mention how segmented the tutorial system is. you start off being sent to tin outside the outskirts of tir somewhere, then warped to vales, then told to go to tir by krug. i can just image seeing the snowy village of vales then being instantly told to leave by the krug. i get it that they wanted to get "all the races to go down the same training" but it really didnt have to be so. i recall getting most of my skills and training from the npcs in vales. Even if i did have to stomp foxs and throw javelins at them.

    but frankly the tutorial boards need to go. those are awful. i dont know a single person who enjoyed these, or found practical use for a fair bit of it.
  • Carasek's Bag from event boxes

    Its hard to argue it without the exact numbers. but assuming the gap is less then about 0.4%*, then yes the cheaper box is a far superior option. in fact if it was 0.1 to 0.2(10box:20box) then the cheaper box is a much better option. you are correct, yes.
  • Carasek's Bag from event boxes

    Theres 70+ items in the regular box.
    theres 61 items in the special box.
    Assuming they all have the "same drop rate" which is damn near impossible considering i have 8 casual suits, the higher drop rate would have to be special boxs.
    Assuming that regular boxs had "the same drop rate" the odds should be around 1.4286%
    With the same math, the odds of the speical giving it should be 1.63%.
    from the math, it SHOULD be higher in special boxs, but in a 1;1 ratio, you might just be better off with regular boxs.

    Thats assuming all drop table items have the same drop rate. Which i highly doubt, simply due to having 5 causal suits white, and 4 casual suits blue. and thats from about, 50 special box.

    50 tries with special boxs should give you a 81.5% chance of getting it.
    50 tries with regular boxs should have a chance of about 71.43%.
    but since the exact numbers arent known, and the carasek bag might have a reduced drop rate in comparsion to everything else, This is all just fancy guess work that means nothing. Carasek could have a 0.25% drop, rendering all this math worthless.

    Not to mention the whole luck thing, you could endlessly roll and never get the item anyway.
  • Animal Anomalies


    sure wish buffalos didnt break. its creepy.
  • [COMPLETED] Scheduled Maintenance - August 29th

    Does the T stand for twitch? are you ninja?