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I just got the bubble chair from the chaotic event and i love it!
...I also noticed that you cant bless the chair nor can you repair it. (╥_╥)
Lets make them repairable and blessable(?), we can have Tracey or some other lumberguy somewhere be responsible for the repairs, or maybe a magician since some of them can count as magical objects?
They were not for free and many people like these weird chairs youre giving us Nexon so why not let us repair and keep them? Once the duration is gone the chair will be impossible to use again. This time, i dont want that to happen.
Alexina Server
what are you talking about, Walter can repair it just fine, rather cheaply too
At this point, it would be far more cost-effective for DevCAT/Nexon to make a new game. Trying to redo literally EVERYTHING visual-wise in this game is just not worth the effort.
if they would do what runescape did and update a region at a time before going to a new engine entirely