Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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  • What do you think i should do (I am banned)

    the main problem is, you were using another person's account. it doesn't matter whether you had permission or not. the point is, it WASN'T your account. if you didn't make the account, then Nexon was right to ban you for using it. personally, I pride myself on all the work I do in any game. and, I feel sorry whenever I end up giving up all the hard work that I put in if I decide to give up playing it. but, the point is, I did all the work not someone else. benefiting from someone elses' work is morally wrong in the way you did it. personally, I think both accounts should have been banned if the "screenshots" presented were valid.

    the thing about playing games like this isn't all about the best items or the quickest way to power, but the journey along the way. what's the point of playing if you're going to have someone else do the work or cheat your way into power. I have seen many people on many different games get rightfully banned and complain about it. in this case, I believe you were rightfully banned and should accept your punishment. there's no use crying over spilled milk, just clean it up and learn not to spill it again. either that or just don't play the game anymore. and, if I sound heartless, it's because I've also seen true cheaters get out of bans on a technicality or through hacking the system to unban themselves in other games and it is a real pain to all the honest players when that happens.

    so, my point is simple. don't do the crime if you're not willing to do the time. you've admitted to doing the crime, so live with the punishment.