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Hello, I've noticed a few times that there has been a reforge compensation event for players which is great, but not for everyone. From what I've seen happening is the players who "paid" for the reforges receive compensation, but what about the players who pay gold in game to buy them? Essentially the players who are buying and reselling their reforges with irl money are making double profit, with the gold and the compensated reforges they get back. The players who are free to play should also have the opportunity to take a part in this compensation as well, because we all know how much of a grind it is to earn every piece of gald.
Edit: I don't have any proof, but I did buy a fair amount of reforges with gald (200m+) which weren't refunded o.o I spent a bunch in order to finish my sets in the past year and I was only refunded the 30 I bought through the cash shop, nothing from the gald.