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Yes I divorced Altam sorry I have settled with Llywelyn.
About Me
Hello I am Blankeye of Erinn I am a Mabi fanartist and I am also an active member of the Mabi KR community! I'm also 100% married to Llywelyn. Yep. If you ever need any Korean Mabinogi information translated, please feel free to @ me! And if you'd like to see my art, you can go to my twitter above!! 마비노기 하자!
ICONS: are offered in either styles 1 or 3! Bust up ONLY: 700k/$8
-Prices are in USD
-I WILL accept gold server transfer!!
-Additional characters are +75%
-Unless specified otherwise, images will have transparent backgrounds
-I may charge extra for complex characters/designs
-I'm a pretty quick artist but I do work 32 hours a week so please be patient with me as my pace may switch between fast and slow!
-PROCESS: You contact me/put in your commission info -> I send you WIP -> You approve -> You pay -> I send you the finished product!