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Yes I divorced Altam sorry I have settled with Llywelyn.
About Me
Hello I am Blankeye of Erinn I am a Mabi fanartist and I am also an active member of the Mabi KR community! I'm also 100% married to Llywelyn. Yep. If you ever need any Korean Mabinogi information translated, please feel free to @ me! And if you'd like to see my art, you can go to my twitter above!! 마비노기 하자!
or give away the exact same item on every server going forward.
Wait, why aren't you doing this in the first place like of course if other servers don't get the same things they're going to be upset, it's just logical. Sanorosu is right, you've given Tarlach a server exclusive item now and if what you're saying is correct and you gave the Altam balloon as a comp, that means Alexina and Mari are only going to get two balloons as well. More people are going to be upset by this.
Really I can't tell you how disappointed I am.
I literally showed up mostly for that balloon...
I wanted it more than the bed tbh...
How is it fair for other servers to get more things than we do?
Isn't that favoritism?
Sorry I'm just extremely let down...
Icons are offered in either styles 1 or 4! Bust up ONLY: 600k/$5
-Ask me about Art Trades!
-Prices are in USD
-I WILL accept gold server transfer!!
-Additional characters are +75%
-Unless specified otherwise, images will have transparent backgrounds
-I may charge extra for complex characters/designs
-I'm a pretty quick artist but I do work 32 hours a week so please be patient with me as my pace may switch between fast and slow!
-PROCESS: You contact me/put in your commission info -> I send you WIP -> You approve -> You pay -> I send you the finished product!
Mabinogi is based on Celtic Mythology, correct?
Celtic mythology stemming from mostly Irish, Scottish and some British decent.
Obviously all the NPCs in the story-line speak in English, but considering the origin, wouldn't they all be speaking with accents?
Next time you're talking to Ferghus, imagine him with a thick Scottish accent because chances are that's probably what he would sound like based off the Celtic setting.
All our faves likely have European accents and I think that's an interesting new thing to consider next time you read some NPC dialogue.
(For those of you in EU I'm sure you already read their dialogue like this anyway.)